Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's Been 1 Week..!

Well hello everyone! I've reached my 1 week mark for my 365 day challenge. I'd like to reflect upon the last week for a quick minute. This first week of my challenge has certainly been interesting. I've really enjoyed blogging about my daily challenges, it gives me something to look forward to everyday.
  What do you guys think so far? I still haven't recieved any challenges from you guys! Challenge me to push myself, I DARE YOU! 
Regardless if people are enjoying my blog or not (I don't really know because I HAVENT REALLY RECEIVED MUCH FEED BACK...hint hint!), I AM enjoying what I am doing, and am glad that I'm writing about everything so that I can look back on my progress and the things I've achieved. A year is a really long time, and by the end of the year, heck, by the end of 1 month even, I will have learned and tried so many new things, and that really excites me.

Anyways..onto today's events...
I made up my own little fitness challenge today. My workout today was for back and biceps, so I wanted to incorporate a little fitness challenge incorporating both back and bicep exercises.

The challenge is this: 
3 exercises, 60 seconds on (20 sec each exercise), 30 seconds off, repeat 3 times - see how many reps for each exercise you can get for each round. 

I did this challenge at the end of my workout, so my back and bi's were already pretty fatigued. Obviously I would have gotten up to more reps if I had done this at the beginning of my workout. I purposely did this challenge at the end of my workout so I wouldn't fatigue my muscles before I even started the bulk of my workout. The video below is of my first set of this challenge. I only taped one set of it, I didn't want to bore everyone with a whole 4 minute long video. (see? I'm always keeping my readers in mind!!) 

The exercises for this challenge are:
Alternating Dumbbell Bicep Curls (20 sec)
One-Legged Bent Over Dumbbell Row (20 sec)
Hammer Dumbbell Curls (20 sec) 
Total time: 4 1/2 minutes 
I did give myself 3 seconds to switch weights, I didn't factor that into the whole 4/12 minutes

My Results:
1st Set:
7 reps of alternating bicep curls (both arms) (15 lbs)
10 reps of one-legged dumbbell rows (10 lbs)
11 reps of hammer curls (3 15 lbs, finished with 10 lbs)
2nd Set:
8 reps alt. bicep curls (15 lbs)
9 reps one-legged dumbbell rows (15 lbs)
8 reps hammer curls (10 lbs)

3rd Set:
15 reps alt bicep curls (10 lbs)
10 reps one-legged dumbbell rows (10 lbs)
10 reps hammer curls (10 lbs)

You should all definitely try this challenge out, it gets your heart rate up and is a great way to pump out a few more reps of exercises before finishing up your workout!

Don't be discouraged if you are not using much weight for this challenge. It is a fast-paced challenge, so your muscles will become fatigued quicker, your heart rate will be higher than when doing your regular sets. Keep all of that in mind, and try starting out with a lower weight that you usually would do. For example, when I am doing dumbbell curls, I usually use 20-25 lb dumbbells depending on what I am doing (based on my rep range - sometimes more, sometimes less). Because for most workouts I use 20-25 lbs, I dropped my weight down to 15 lb dumbbells for this challenge..catch my drift?!

I am challenging you to challenge yourself. Let me know how you did! Did you beat my scores?!
If you are a beginner to workout out, change up this challenge a bit. You could add more time to your rest period and less time to exercise. GIVE IT A TRY!

I did promise you guys a "Big Booty" Workout today, so I will post that later tonight, so check back!!!

Good luck, challenge yourself!!!!

Fitness Felicia <3

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