Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pizza n' Pushups

Hi guys! As promised, I'm posting about my new challenge of the day. I actually tried TWO new things today, and am ever so happy that I did!
In the gym today, I did a full-body toning workout mixed with some cardio.

I started off my workout on the Stairmaster. I did level 13 on the Stairmaster for a total of 10 minutes to warm up. After finishing my warmup on the Stairmaster, I switched to the stationary bike and did 2 miles worth of interval training (hills and flat ground) at level 6.
Since today was mostly just a toning day, I did a lot of body weight exercises, used the bosu ball, stability ball, and resistance bands.

I tried a new exercise in my workout today: elevated bosu ball pushups and elevated stability ball pushups. I really, really liked these two new exercises and will definitely keep adding them to my workout routines. 

I first used the stability ball for my pushups. I put both legs onto the top of the stability ball, hands on the ground in front of me, and slowly walked out with my hands until my body was straight. Once in the elevated pushup position, I preformed 10 pushups on the stability ball. Rest and repeat 3 times.
Using the stability ball really, really helps exercise your core strength while working your chest and triceps muscles as well. Being a bit unstable on the stability ball really helps to shock your body and allows you to focus on form and doing the exercise slowly, but correctly. 
The stability ball pushups are a more advanced exercise. I would not advise a beginner to try this exercise. 

After doing the stability ball pushups, I moved onto the bosu ball pushups, which are essentially the same, your body is just in a lower elevation. 

This move is a more beginner move, and I would recommend trying this exercise before trying the stability ball pushups. 

My SECOND new challenge of the day was dinner...I got this idea today actually while watching The Biggest Loser and thought I'd give it a try! ...for dinner I made HEALTHY PIZZAS! Yum!!! The healthy pizzas were incredibly easy to make...great for a quick family dinner, healthy snack, or something fun that can get the kids involved! 

For my healthy pizzas I used:
100% whole wheat tortillas
Canned pizza sauce
Low fat finely shredded mozzarella 
(shredding cheese finely helps you feel like you're still getting a lot of cheese in a serving, but takes out a lot of the calories b/c the cheese is being chopped finer)
a dash of garlic powder 

This dish came out really delicious, and I am so glad I tried it. You can add any toppings you want, but remember, HEALTHY ones!! 

Let me know if you guys try any of these exercises or healthy pizza out! How did you like it?! Enjoy the holiday tomorrow, everyone ! 

Until next time,
Fitness Felicia


  1. Added the bosu ball push ups to my routine today, definitely felt the core working to hold stability. Next time I do chest/back I want to try the stability ball for a little more of a challenge! Thanks for posting these =)

    1. Awesome!! Keep it up! Try bosu ball chest press and dumbbell flies or try it on a stability ball to make it more challenging!! Let me know if you need any advice or if you have any questions!! Keep up the good work <3
