Tuesday, June 19, 2012

New Milestone!

Hey guys! A few posts ago (Merp.) I was talking about how frustrated I was that I wasn't putting any weight one...but guess what?! I've put on THREE POUNDS in the last couple of days! That's HUGE for me :) I was so happy looking at the scale today. My hard work is definitely paying off and I feel more motivated than ever. I'm so excited to compete in the fall. Everyone that I've talked to who has competed before absolutely loves it, and I'm pretty confident that once I do my first competition, I'll be hooked. I'm also really loving my new workout (I think I said that yesterday). I feel such a good pump during it because of the supersets, and can feel the burn. I've been sore for days after working out each muscle group - I love that feeling.

Another big milestone for me is my personal training gig that I've got going on. I have been getting a bunch of new clients! I have an ad in the newspaper now and it looks like it's really working :) I'm so excited to start sharing my knowledge and teaching others how to exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle. Things are really looking good right now :)

I told you guys that I would post pictures of the "figure model workout," so today I had Derek take pictures of my back and triceps workout. I actually only had him take pictures of the back exercises, you can find pictures of all the triceps exercises in a previous post. I'm also not going to write out the whole workout again, you can look at it in a previous post as well.

What did you guys think about my post yesterday? No comments? I find that hard to believe, guys! You all need to liven up a bit out there and start letting me know what you think!!!

I'm thinking about doing a contest soon, to promote the blog and myself a little bit more - what do you guys think? I would have a couple of different things - the biggest one being a new workout outfit. Would anybody be interested in that? It wouldn't really entail anything major - it'd be more of a drawing of names, per-say. I would probably have 3 winners, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. I'm going to post the contest tomorrow, and it will run for a few weeks, so make sure you guys are on the lookout! Also, let me know if that is something you as a reader would be interested in. I think free clothes is a pretty good motivating factor, no? I've seen other bloggers hold contests before and I think it really helps with reader-traffic.

Anyways, here are the pictures for the back exercises of the "figure model workout."

standing cable row 

reverse lat pull down

seated cable row

bent over dumbbell row

 reverse lat pull down

And those are the pictures to the back part of Day 2 for the "Figure Model Workout"

Have any of you guys out there been trying any part of the Figure Model Workout? If so, how do you like it? Have you made any modifications?? I'd love to hear :) 

I also made these pictures today, what do you guys think? I thought they came out pretty cool! 

I've seen stuff on pinterest like that and figured you probably don't need to be a professional model to do a little fitness poster thing like that, so I decided to give it a go with my own pictures! I quite like the way they turned out, how about you guys?!!! 

Turning it in for the night, everyone. Talk to you guys tomorrow.
Have a wonderful evening!

xxxooo Fitness Felicia 

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