Monday, July 23, 2012

Literally Back From the Dead This Time..

Hello Everyone! I'm writing today solely as a recurring request from one of my readers. I've been seriously ill the past week and a half and it really hurts my head and eyes to look at the computer screen. But a promise is a promise, so here I am :)

If I'm going to write a post today, I figure I might as well fill you guys in with what's been going on with me. I had to go to the hospital last Thursday after being pretty sick for about a week before that, and it turns out that I have mono. Which is really, really bad news. Don't get me wrong, being sick and unable to work really stinks, but on top of that ...get this...(as per doc's orders) NO physical activity for up to TWO MONTHS. WHAT?!!! This, on top of me not being able to eat just about anything ATM, is going to be setting me WAY, WAY back for my competition coming up in October. I've had nothing to do but lay in bed/couch the past couple of days and just rest, and I've been thinking about not being able to work out and have been pretty (ok, REALLY) bummed about it. I know there are other competitions if I'm not up to par for October, but I've been SO excited and SO focused on my training and dieting that it just really, really sucks for that to have been thrown away because of me getting sick. But, as my dad says, things happen, people get sick, there's nothing you can do about it :\ for now, I'm just going to have to keep my chin up and continue to eat as cleanly and healthy as my body allows me to in hopes that when I am able to workout again, I won't be too far behind...

Onto a lighter note, many people have been asking me what my "competition" diet has consisted of the past couple of I'm here to fill you all in :) As the competition date comes closer, my diet will be changing again, and I will fill you guys in when that happens. For the next couple of weeks, though, this is what my diet is:

Meal 1: 
4 Egg white omelet with half slice low fat Amer. cheese and a veggie (tomato, spinach)
1 Slice Whole Wheat toast with all natural peanut butter (about 1 tbs)
8 oz. protein shake (protein powder and milk)
1 cup cottage cheese plain or with some jelly

Meal 2:
1 cup greek yogurt
handful plain almonds 

Meal 3:
Tilapia (or any fish) seasoned with lemon juice,  garlic clove and tsp soy sauce
veggie (usually a salad with no dressing)
1 cup organic long grain brown rice
1/2 cup cottage cheese with peaches

Meal 4:
Protein shake

Meal 5:
Skinless chicken breast or fish seasoned with lemon, garlic and soy sauce
long grain organic brown rice

Meal 6:
homemade protein shake
2 scoops protein powder
6 oz skim milk
1/2 cup of crushed ice
frozen fruit (strawberries, blueberries, mango, peaches, etc)

...and there you have it! That the framework of how my meals go every day...pretty much fish, chicken, rice and some 
The diet is extremely bland and I do try to dress it up once in awhile with some recipes. 
I do have pictures and a few recipes for you guys to try out that I will add on here later on.

The other day, I did make "healthy" sweet potato brownies as a little cheat treat, and they turned out pretty good..I will put that recipe up here and pictures later on as well. 

Just to give you guys and idea of what I'm trying to achieve with this diet...
I'm trying to keep my protein intake up, but am eating clean and lean 
so that I can start losing about 1/2 lb. a week. 
Before I got sick, I was right on target while following this diet.

If you are trying to lose more and at a faster pace than that, I would suggest keeping your carb intake
up during breakfast and before and right after your workouts. Other than that, try sticking to lean proteins and fruits and  veggies. 
Also remember to keep those reps HIGH HIGH in the gym to BURN BURN those calories :)
Make SURE you guys are getting in your cardio, as well, I cannot stress that enough! Cardio is going to be where you're going to burn the most calories and the most fat. 

For the next few weeks, since I will be unable to workout, I will be living vicariously through you please, please, keep me updated about what you're all doing. Let me know if you guys are seeing the results you're hoping to see. Not seeing results? Shoot me a question and maybe I can help you find what you're doing that is not working for you. 

Eat clean and train mean, everyone :)

xxxo Fitness Felicia

PS: Just an FYI, I've honestly been really bumming since I've been sick..I've been cooped up my apartment all day just with the dogs, not really able to go anywhere or see anyone, and it's really sucked. On top of that, knowing that I could potentially not be able to compete in October has been gettin me down. But writing this post, knowing that people are out there reading this and utilizing what I have to say and are excited to read my blog, has cheered me up for the time just a big thanks to all of you :) I get a lot of people who tell me personally or over twitter or instagram how much they enjoy reading this and it really means a lot to me! Someone told me the other day that I was in their inspiration, and that was amazing to hear. I just want to let you guys know that I do appreciate all of my readers and it does make me happy being able to share my experiences and this journey with you all. xxxoxo


  1. Don't worry, a a good friend once told me, this too shall pass (I'll let u know when my issues pass ha-ha) keep up the great work! I truly admire you
