Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New Inspiration

Hi guys! No comments on my last post?! You're telling me NOBODY has any questions they'd like to ask, or anything they'd like me to write about?! Tisk tisk...! Oh well, I have come up with a topic for today, anyhow.
Has anybody ever seen the movie Julie and Julia? It's a great movie about the story of how Julia Child got her start as one of the most known chefs in the world. A blogger, Julie, is at a crossroads in life, and decides to start a new journey by making a new recipe every day out of one of Julia Child's famous cookbooks - for a year !
Watching that movie gave me some blogging inspiration - I could do the same thing, but from an exercise / nutrition standpoint. Every day, for 365 days, I will do something - whether it be a new exercise routine, a new exercise, cook a new recipe, eat a new food, (and any ideas you guys may have!) - every day, and blog about it.
For I, myself, seem to be at a standstill in life. Two more years of college left, still trying to figure out where I want to go in life, what I'm going to many different questions about my future and the person I am becoming are running through my mind constantly.
Starting TODAY I will be trying something new for a full year. I'm pretty excited about it. Hopefully you guys get inspired by some of the new things I'll be trying and will let me know that you're out there reading this!
I will write back later tonight and let you all know what I've tried ! Excited?! Intrigued..?! If you're not..LET's GET EXCITED! and INTRIGUED!
It's Work-it-out-Wednesday today, guys! What are YOU doing in the gym today? How are you keeping healthy today?! Let me know!
Need some motivation? Too busy for the gym? Try this quick workout burst to get your heart pumping today:
30 jumping jacks
30 seconds of mountain climbers
30 seconds of jogging in place
30  second wall sit
and repeat 3 to 4 times!

(click on the link for a quick video of the exercise if you are unsure of how they are done)
Let's GO! Let me know how you feel afterwards!

Talk to you guys soon! Wish me luck on my new journey! 

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