Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 2, completed. 363 days to go!



400 reps, 4 exercises: COMPLETED!
I ALMOST gave up towards the ends, my shoulders had quite a burn going on...but I kept all of you in mind and did not want to disappoint anyone, and you know what? I.KEPT.GOING!  
I did switch up the exercises I did, however. Instead of doing dumbbell shrugs, I completed my workout with resistance band upright rows superset with front lateral raises. A superset is doing one exercise immediately following another exercise as one set.
Below is the description of the exercises that I did today. (Sorry the pictures are a bit blurry, they were taken from my cellphone)

I started off with stability ball dumbbell press. Make sure when doing this, your back is kept straight the entire time and you're looking straight ahead. Start with your elbows just about in line with your shoulders. 
Next, press upwards with your dumbbells, being sure not to lock out your arms. 
Return to start position. That is one rep. 
I used 8 lb dumbbells and did 25 reps for 4 sets = 100 reps 

Next, I did a leaning dumbbell lateral raise. Start by holding onto something that will be stable, and lean towards the side that you are holding the weight on.
Lift upward, with your dumbbell going just about in line with your shoulder. Slowly bring back down to start position. That is one rep.
For this exercise, I did 25 reps with 5 lb dumbbells for 4 sets = 100 reps

For my final exercise, I did a superset with resistance bands of front lateral raises and upright rows. Start with your feet standing on the middle of the resistance band, holding the band at your sides. 
Next, raise both hands forward, in line with your shoulders. Slowly return back to start position. That is one rep. I completed 25 reps of this exercise and then moved onto upright rows. The start position was the same as above.
From the start position, bring arms up to chest, elbows again in line with your shoulders. Slowly return back to start for one rep. 
I completed 25 reps of each exercise for 2 sets and did 50 reps for my final set = 100 reps 

Upon completion of my workout, I did a quick ab workout consisting of decline crunches with an 8 lb medicine balls as well as oblique crunches. If you would like a description of those exercises, just let me know. I also did 25 min of my cardio HIIT training.

This workout was extremely difficult to complete, but 100% worth it. I am already feeling sore in my shoulders. I would not recommend this routine for someone who is just beginning to work out. If you are a beginner, try the same exercises at a low weight for 10-12 reps to become acclimated with it. But for all of you readers out there, I challenge you! Try this routine out and let me know how you feel. Make sure you have lots of energy beforehand, because it is definitely difficult to complete. 

Does anyone have any suggestions for my new challenge tomorrow?!! Let me know! What did you guys do in the gym today? What did you do to keep healthy?! I'd really love to hear from you guys! It inspires me!! Don't be shy!  

Until tomorrow,
Fitness Felicia 

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