Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Hi everyone, how's everyone doing tonight? I've had a semi-rough day. I've just been having a hard time getting motivated....about a bunch of different things. I've been getting really discouraged about a lot of things, and am kind of at a stand still, which I feel like always ends up happening once I feel like I'm starting to figure things out. It was a very frustrating day, and quite honestly, I was feeling very unconfident about a lot of things.

First off, I feel like nobody is reading my blog. I still really enjoy writing it regardless, but feedback is always nice. I know I'm new to blogging, but it's nice to know that you're interested in what I'm talking about, or if you have different opinions that I do, or any suggestions..just feedback in general is always a nice motivator. I wonder how long (if ever) it will take to get more than 4 followers (not that I don't appreciate my current four - love you guys thanks for following!). I look at some blogs and they have an overwhelming amount of comments about their posts...how do I get that to happen to my blog?!

Another thing I'm frustrated about is my little personal training "business" I have been trying to get off the ground. I haven't received any calls or emails from anyone interested in personal training, which is also really discouraging. I mean I know I'm doing it all by myself with just my little dinky flyers and this little blog...I guess I will just have to give it more time..
...the disinterest in my personal training is also making me discouraged about my future career. I know businesses are certainly difficult to get up and running and successful, and a lot fail, but I hope I get more of a response when I do start my own personal training/gym business. Of course I will have more professional marketing and blah blah blah. But oh, I don't know. Just a discouraging day.

I'm also getting discouraged about my workouts. No matter how much I eat in a day, no matter how much I try to change my diet or my workout plan, I cannot seem to gain weight! I've tried absolutely everything. My body is just not having it. I'm about to try a new approach and just cut, cut, cut and get lean and toned. But I'd really like to gain just a little weight :(

I'm rambling. Enough about my issues, this blog is supposed to be motivating and inspiring. But this is my "journey," so I guess you guys are just gonna have to follow me through the thick and thin, good and bad!

I had a very busy day yesterday and had no time for a post, so I'll be putting in yesterday and today's challenges in this post.

My challenge for yesterday was kind of dumb, or sad, however you want to look at it I guess, but I myself was very excited about it. ...my challenge was ... to finish a whole book!
I know it doesn't have anything to do with exercise, but I think reading is good for your health, so I'm counting it! I have not read a book (for pleasure) since probably my sophomore or junior year of high school. This book that I read, What Alice Forgot, was a little over 400 pages (which is a lot for me!), and was very challenging for me to stick with it and actually finish the entire book. So, yesterday, I finished my book, and loved it. I'm actually sad it's over. On to the next book I suppose. Sorry guys, I guess that was a really lame challenge :(

Today's challenge was a bit better: to devise a new triceps workout.
 Because I don't really have very many readers, I really embrace the readers that I DO have, and try to answer all their questions and comments that they leave me.
That said, today's challenge was for one of my readers,  "KayKay." She wanted to know exercises that she could do to target her triceps, because, like on many women, they are her trouble area.
KayKay, I hope you are reading this! Because this one is for you!!

Because I need to be doing something new that I've never done before, I made a new triceps workout that I have never done before. I dedicated this one to KayKay.

Because she said this was her trouble area, I'm assuming she is trying to tone it out a bit. So this will be a higher intensity triceps workout. In the alphabet, K is the 11th letter, A is the 1st and Y is 25th.
I was trying to be creative for this one, sorry if it's confusing, but just try to follow. Because A is the 1st letter, I added K and A to get 12 reps.
So, the first set is 12 reps. Y being the 25th letter, the second set is 25 reps. Because her name is KayKAY (two Kay's), do a third set of again, 12 reps, and a fourth set of 25. I wanted to make it a higher rep workout to increase the intensity, give you more of a burn in those triceps which will help them tone out a bit and lose some of that flab all of us women hate so very much!

KayKay, you asked me for some exercise ideas, so here are a few you can chose from: 
overhead dumbbell triceps extension

triceps kickbacks (get your elbow up a bit higher, this picture isn't that great)

overhead tricep extensions with cables

skull crushers 

tricep cable pulldowns 

Hope these exercises can give you a good burn, KayKay! also, Make sure you try out your  the 12,24,12,24 "KayKay" workout (I would do about three or four of these exercises with the 12,24,12,24 rep range), it does give a very good burn. 

This was a long post, sorry about all the rambeling. I don't think this post was all that great (due to lack of motivation), sorry about that as well.
I'll have a more uplifting and inspiring post tomorrow, promise!
Night gym rats! 


  1. I always "forget" about skull crushers....going to have to sneak those in the next tri workout.

    1. Yes, def! They are one of my favorite triceps exercises! Try doing it with a drop set (drop the weight on your last set) for a really good burn ! <3 fitness felicia

  2. Just found your triceps workout on Pinterest. I just started a blog and I know how frustrating it can be to feel like no one is reading. I'll be reading yours from now on!

    1. thanks so much cassie! that means a lot! I will be checking out your blog right after I post this comment! thanks again for reading! enjoy! let me know if you have any ideas, questions, comments, etc!
      <3 fitness felicia

  3. thank you so much! i feel very honored that you answered my request so quickly and I will definitely do this workout as part of my routine TOMORROW =) i really enjoy your blog and i hope that you won't give up on it, I don't think I'm much older than you but I have a little advice, Don't worry if something seems to be starting out slow, when its meant to happen it will, trust me even though it sounds so incredibly corny. Also, all that worry/anxiety you're having about your future business is so normal. I have it everyday. Everyone has doubts about the future and its scary when you're someone who is usually very motivated and positive to suddenly be feeling shitty. Just look at where you started and the progress you have made since then, things will look up if you look at how far you've come instead of how far you still have to go. Hope that helps.

    1. Thanks so much for the advice! Glad you liked the post, let me know how you like the workout. Im glad you are enjoying my blog and i will certainly not give up one it..I was just having one of those days I suppose. But again, thanks for the advice I really appreciate it! Have a great day! Fitness Felicia <3

  4. I follow you on Pinterest and you have some great workout ideas! Keep it up!

    1. Thank you glad you are enjoying! Keep reading! Fitness Felicia <3

  5. Hi everybody! I am such a sap, I guess, reading people's comments and tearing up.....it's very touching to see your encouraging words to each other!
    Felicia, this WAS a great post even though I know you dont THINK it was and you weren't feeling very motivated. But it was great because you just showed how we all can have our ups and downs...that's normal. But you're not giving up, and that's what really counts. and it's so nice to see others trying to encourage you! I'm so proud of you..and your readers, too! Everybody, keep up the great work! Today's going to be a great day!

  6. Found your blog via Pinterest and am loving new and motivating workouts. Keep up the great work and the followers will come!

    1. Thank you I hope so! Was just having a moment of defeat there! Based on the responses though, maybe I should complain more often! (ha ha just kidding) - keep reading though! Glad you are enjoying!
      Fitness Felicia <3

  7. Hey! Why'd you have to go and blow my cover!
    Oh well, I'm still you're biggest fan!

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